Digital Photo Organising

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the amount of digital photos you have? Are you unable to find special photos as you don’t exactly know which device they’re stored on? Are you worried that you only have one copy of your digital photos and they are therefore at risk of being lost forever?  


Simone from Your Photos Filed understands the importance of photos and the intrinsic link they provide to memories and milestones. She offers digital photo organising services to help get your precious memories back to a manageable state, allowing you to easily find your photos and share them with family and friends in meaningful and creative ways such as photo books.


Importantly, you will have peace of mind that your photos are safe and secure and that a photo legacy has been created for the next generation to enjoy.


In most cases, Simone can work with you wherever you may live within Australia. You can be assured that she will treat your photos with the utmost respect and sensitivity, operating to a high level of confidentiality and care.


Several digital photo organising services are available to suit your needs.  Please explore the options below to find out more.


Gift certificates are available and can be tailored to suit any of the services below.


DIY Advisory Session - $110

Digital photo organising Adelaide

DIY Home Visit - from $95

Digital photo organising

Mylio Training - from $170

Certified Logo

Digital Organising Done for You

digital photo organising Adelaide

DIY Advisory Session - $110

Perfect for those who have their photos stored across multiple devices such as external hard drives, USBs, CDs, DVDs etc, are intending to organise their photos themselves, have great IT skills, and like learning new skills and processes.

DIY Advisory Session includes:

  • Initial 15 minute phone consultation.
  • 1 hour meeting (face to face, Zoom, or combination of both if splitting the time) where you will learn the digital organising process. The meeting includes:
    • Notes on the overall process.
    • Assistance with completion of goal setting.
    • Assistance with completion of inventory.
    • Follow up phone call or email.

Contact Simone to find out more.


Digital Photo Organising Adelaide

DIY Home Visit - from $95

This service is provided for DIY clients who may need help with a small digital organising project, or they may have hit a road bump along the way of their larger digital organising project. Whatever the case may be, Simone from Your Photos Filed will come to their home (or via Zoom/Teams if home visit is not possible) to assist.

The cost for a home visit is as follows:

$95 for first hour and $75 per hour thereafter (Adelaide metropolitan area)

Examples of assistance given:

  • Help getting videos and photos from iPhone to PC or external hard drive
  • Help getting videos and photos from android phone to PC or external hard drive
  • Help gathering and curating photos for memorial slideshow or family event
  • Advice on implementation of backup systems or general digital organising systems
  • Small digital organising projects or help with a certain aspect of a larger project


Contact Simone to find out more.


Digital photo organising

Mylio+ Training - from $170

Perfect for those DIY clients who are keen to learn how to use Mylio+ photo organising software to create their digital legacy.

Simone offers one on one training for clients who use (or would like to use) Mylio+ photo organising software.  Simone is a Mylio certified Mylio consultant and uses Mylio for her own photo collection.

Mylio is a great option for organising, sharing and backing up your photos, however it comes with a learning curve and depending on your IT skills, training may be required.

Training costs are as follows:

Two hour package, face to face training at clients’ home: $190

Two hour package, training via Zoom or Teams:  $170

Contact Simone to find out more.

** Training packages require payment prior to session

** Training by the hour - $100 per hour

Mylio Photo Organising

Digital Organising done for you - from $75 per hour

For those who have come to the conclusion that it's simply all too hard to do the organising work themselves. Perhaps it's due to lack of time, limited IT skills, or they're simply too overwhelmed by the sheer number of photos and devices they're dealing with. For these clients, Simone can take on the whole project from start to finish.

Simone will get your digital photo collection to a point where it is beautifully organised and curated. You will easily be able to find photos and she will work with you to set up a maintenance system organise your photos going forwards. You will feel a sense of great relief knowing that your photos are organised and safe.

Every digital organising project is different, and the cost varies depending on the number of photos in your collection and the number of devices your photos are stored on.

Simone can work within a monthly budget set by you, and her hourly rate is $75.00.

Alternatively, there is the option to pre-purchase 8 hours of Simone’s time up front for the cost of $560.00.

Contact Simone to find out more.

Digital photo organising
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